211 Saskatchewan is a free and confidential 24/7 service that connects individuals to human services.
Get the help your organization needs to tackle sexual harassment at work.
This introductory fact sheet outlines how the Enough Already project can support your workplace.
Get the information you need to understand, address and prevent harassment in your business.
This chart will guide you through everything you need to know to file a complaint if you’ve experienced or witnessed workplace sexual harassment. Learn More
Toll Free 1-800-567-7233
As an employer, it’s important to design a harassment policy that best reflects your organization.
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission is an arms-length provincial government agency tasked with receiving, investigating and adjudicating human rights complaints.
Get the real facts on sexual or harassing behaviour in Canada.
Learn about the steps you can take to prevent and address sexual harassment in your workplace.
If you’ve experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, you may be entitled to 2 hours of free legal advice though the Shift Project.
Workshop participants will learn about consent culture and gain bystander intervention skills.
This workshop will discuss topics on healthy masculinity and how harmful masculine norms hurt everyone.