Have you experienced sexual harassment? You are not in this alone.

No one should have to endure sexual harassment at work. It can prevent you from earning a living, doing your job effectively or reaching your full potential. Worse yet, it can have a serious impact on your personal mental health and emotional well-being. Still, most incidents go unreported.

Being informed and aware of sexual harassment – what it is, how to identify it and how to respond – is your first line of defence. We’re here to help.

Think you may have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment at work?

Learn How to Report It

What to do if you experience sexual harassment at work.

Tell the harasser to stop.

Make it clear to the harasser that the behaviour is unwelcome. Tell them to stop the behaviour immediately. You can do this verbally, in writing, or both.

Note: If you are feeling unsafe, it may be difficult to take action such as telling a harasser to stop.

Tell the harasser’s supervisor or Human Resources.

Employers have a responsibility to protect employees from sexual harassment. Bring the incident to their attention and insist that management take action.

Tell your union.

If there is a union in your workplace, tell your steward about the harassment. File a grievance. Encourage the union to put an anti-sexual harassment clause in the collective agreement.

Talk about it.

Often people who are sexually harassed are too embarrassed to tell anyone, or too afraid of the consequences. It helps to talk to a friend, relative or coworker you trust. You may find others in your workplace have also been harassed. If you’re willing to speak up, they might be too.

Take notes.

When you bring your complaint forward, it helps to document your experience. Write down each remark or action. Try to remember the exact words used. Record dates, times, places and the names of witnesses as soon as possible after the event so the details are still fresh in your memory. Be as clear and detailed as you can. Sign and date it.

Learn more about Workplace Sexual Harassment

What constitutes workplace sexual harassment? How can you tell the difference between harassment and good-natured fun? What do you do if you witness or experience it?

Learn More

You are not in this alone.

Whether you’re a witness to sexual harassment at work or have experienced it yourself, you don’t have to bear the responsibility alone. There are several resources and supports you can access to address the problem and help you cope in the aftermath.

Other organizations you can contact

Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety provides services to the people of Saskatchewan that include: assistance and advice to employees and employers; work occupational health and safety investigations (including sexual harassment investigations), enforcements and appeals.

Contact them online or by phone: 1-800-567-7233


Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission

Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission staff members investigate complaints of discrimination, including any form of sexual harassment, in public areas. Any form of retaliation is against The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.

Additional supports

Witnessed sexual harassment?

Have you witnessed sexual harassment at work? Not sure who to talk to or what to do? Bystanders play an important role in addressing and preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.

Learn more

Resources for Employees

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